
Good morning! Oh my goodness my heart is bursting! Don't you know that my husband is finally home?! I know I don't have to tell you that we weren't sure this day would ever come. (How appropriate that "My God is an Awesome God" is coming on my instrumental Christian music playlist right now.) We are thankful that God has decided that our family has more time together on this earth. Let me tell you, one of the blessings here is that our journey definitely puts life into perspective.

In the day-to-day, I feel like I can take a deep breath of fresh air again. I feel like I'm waking up from a daze and ready to get to work! The baby is going to come at any time (I'm 37 weeks today!) and we have much to do. I have to be honest and tell you that these last few months, I haven't been thinking much about the baby. I knew he was healthy, so my priority was with Lincoln and Chad. It's ok. God's timing is perfect and Chad is now well and able to help us get ready.

My heart jumps for joy to see Chad up and about. It honestly feels like he has come back from death. Which, while I hate to admit it, is an accurate description. When we were in the moments of illness, it was hard to admit that we were facing death. In my experience, it did me no good to let my mind dwell there. I wasn't doing myself, Chad, or family any favors by being "realistic." That's where the devil would like to work--trying to limit our vision of what God can do. At those times, it was best to pray, worship, and put my mind on a more positive future.

And here we are! On the other side of the storm, basking in the joy of being back together, living our everyday. Chad's bronch has come back showing no rejection and everything is looking up! It's time to get to work. Our life and routine is about to look very different and I'd love to have this house in order. However, I am not going to become obsessed with it. There was a lesson in the fact that Lincoln was born early. The experience showed me that everything will be fine even if the tupperware drawer hasn't been organized and all of the baseboards scrubbed.

We're looking forward to this baby. Another little snuggly one to kiss and love!! I have to admit the labor and delivery seems a little daunting, but there's nothing I can do about that except just get ready to face it. I've ordered my essential oils, started planning my hospital bag, and started wrapping my mind around it. I realize it's time to actually pack that hospital bag. That will be today . . . I think.

It's hard to not know when he's coming. I'm a planner, but that's the way this works. So, I continue to make plans and keep in the back of my mind it could all change. I think that's a healthy way to face all of our plans. Make a plan, pursue it, but hold loosely to it.

I am ready and I'm also not. Yes, pregnancy starts to get uncomfortable around this time, but this could be our last one and this is the first time I've made it this far. We haven't decided on a number of children, but for now I want to soak up all the little kicks and movements. I want to bask in the beauty of being pregnant. But, I also want my body back and I want to be more active. For now, I'm going to rest in the joy of motherhood and being just where I am. I pray that you look around at your circumstances, find joy in where you are, and rest in that also. Love y'all!
