Good morning, friend. Here we are. I'm on my second cup and thoroughly enjoying the quiet of this moment. You might be in a different place: reading this on your phone, kids running around you, crashing, and bashing. (Boys, amIright?! My goodness they crash and bash everything!! I've gotten to the point where I'm not even startled anymore, I just wait to hear if anyone is screaming.) Or, maybe you're at work and reading this as discreetly as possible. Wherever you are, I hope that I am able to offer some encouragement today by sharing some of my experiences. However, don't let me get you into trouble! At least read this with a serious, analytical face so that you look like you're reading a very important, business-related email. 😐
There is something in my heart that is ugly and I have been pushing it back and down and trying to hide it away from polite company, but I feel called to share it today in an effort to reach to your heart and assure you that you aren't struggling with your issues alone. We are meant to rely on one another. When we hide and are ashamed, we start to separate and that isolation welcomes loneliness, depression, self-pity--the list goes on and on. So, I encourage you also to find a caring confidant to talk to about the things in your heart. I''m just going to air all of my dirty laundry right here if you don't mind.
I want my heart to be light, calm, patient, happy, and many times it is. But, I can also be impatient, selfish, and angry. I want to talk today about the anger because this one surprised me and oftentimes just pops up. I was not expecting myself to react in some of the ways that I have been reacting to my now almost four-year old. After teaching classrooms full of children, I thought that I had the patience part down. Let me tell you, there is nothing like raising your own child! Day-in and day-out--and several times a day--we are responsible for getting them dressed, fed, pottied, and so much more until your head spins! Well, God has made children to be a sort-of training ground for our own character. They will say "no" to everything! "Please put your shoes on." "NO!" "Please get your bag." "NO!" "Please sit down and eat this chocolate cake." "NO!" See! They say no just for the sake of saying no!! Resistance, resistance all day long. I picture myself walking through the day, but every step is through quick sand. And then goes my patience and I am yelling and I am overreacting to his overreacting and it is not a pretty scene.
My husband is an incredible man and he deserves praise, specifically in this area. (Don't roll your eyes!) I love to do this publicly also because it builds him up and that makes me happy. Lately, when he has sensed my frustration, he will come into the room with a calmness that diffuses the situation. I can take a break and come back with in a different headspace. God is showing me the beauty of teamwork when it comes to parenting and some more facets to the character of my husband.
I was reading this morning (My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers) about yielding. Chambers writes about Romans 6:16 ". . . you are that one's slaves whom you obey . . ." He writes, "The first thing I must be willing to admit when I begin to examine what controls and dominates me is that I am the one responsible for having yielded myself to whatever it may be." When I first give in to that anger, it becomes a quicker step to yield next time until it starts to become a habitual step and becomes part of the language and culture of the home.
The thought that I would be creating a culture of anger terrifies me. Here is the encouraging part as Chambers continues: "If I obey God I do so because at some point in my life I yielded myself to Him." I have yielded myself to God by confessing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, for my anger and impatience and all of the ugliness in my heart. That means that today, when I feel the anger and impatience peeking out, ready to pounce, asking me to yield, I can call on the One who provides for all of my needs. He is able to take care of my heart, bringing back patience and peace. This doesn't mean that my child turns into a picture of obedience, but my heart's perspective is different.
My prayer today is for patience for each of us. I pray that you are able to call on God as you need Him throughout the day, when temptation calls on you to yield to whatever is lurking in your heart. God, walk with each of us, bringing awareness of You to our minds and hearts each moment of this day. I pray this in Jesus's name. Amen.
Have a great day! Love y'all!
There is something in my heart that is ugly and I have been pushing it back and down and trying to hide it away from polite company, but I feel called to share it today in an effort to reach to your heart and assure you that you aren't struggling with your issues alone. We are meant to rely on one another. When we hide and are ashamed, we start to separate and that isolation welcomes loneliness, depression, self-pity--the list goes on and on. So, I encourage you also to find a caring confidant to talk to about the things in your heart. I''m just going to air all of my dirty laundry right here if you don't mind.
I want my heart to be light, calm, patient, happy, and many times it is. But, I can also be impatient, selfish, and angry. I want to talk today about the anger because this one surprised me and oftentimes just pops up. I was not expecting myself to react in some of the ways that I have been reacting to my now almost four-year old. After teaching classrooms full of children, I thought that I had the patience part down. Let me tell you, there is nothing like raising your own child! Day-in and day-out--and several times a day--we are responsible for getting them dressed, fed, pottied, and so much more until your head spins! Well, God has made children to be a sort-of training ground for our own character. They will say "no" to everything! "Please put your shoes on." "NO!" "Please get your bag." "NO!" "Please sit down and eat this chocolate cake." "NO!" See! They say no just for the sake of saying no!! Resistance, resistance all day long. I picture myself walking through the day, but every step is through quick sand. And then goes my patience and I am yelling and I am overreacting to his overreacting and it is not a pretty scene.
My husband is an incredible man and he deserves praise, specifically in this area. (Don't roll your eyes!) I love to do this publicly also because it builds him up and that makes me happy. Lately, when he has sensed my frustration, he will come into the room with a calmness that diffuses the situation. I can take a break and come back with in a different headspace. God is showing me the beauty of teamwork when it comes to parenting and some more facets to the character of my husband.
I was reading this morning (My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers) about yielding. Chambers writes about Romans 6:16 ". . . you are that one's slaves whom you obey . . ." He writes, "The first thing I must be willing to admit when I begin to examine what controls and dominates me is that I am the one responsible for having yielded myself to whatever it may be." When I first give in to that anger, it becomes a quicker step to yield next time until it starts to become a habitual step and becomes part of the language and culture of the home.
The thought that I would be creating a culture of anger terrifies me. Here is the encouraging part as Chambers continues: "If I obey God I do so because at some point in my life I yielded myself to Him." I have yielded myself to God by confessing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, for my anger and impatience and all of the ugliness in my heart. That means that today, when I feel the anger and impatience peeking out, ready to pounce, asking me to yield, I can call on the One who provides for all of my needs. He is able to take care of my heart, bringing back patience and peace. This doesn't mean that my child turns into a picture of obedience, but my heart's perspective is different.
My prayer today is for patience for each of us. I pray that you are able to call on God as you need Him throughout the day, when temptation calls on you to yield to whatever is lurking in your heart. God, walk with each of us, bringing awareness of You to our minds and hearts each moment of this day. I pray this in Jesus's name. Amen.
Have a great day! Love y'all!
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