God's love for us is incredible

God spoke this world into life. The Creator thought about all of us before the creation of the earth. He knew our names and our lives. He made us all individual for His purpose. He is incredibly creative, wise, understanding, and above all, He is loving beyond our comprehension.

The enemy wants us to believe that God is not loving. How can a loving God do ____?  In our case, at this moment, our question is how can a loving God put Chad through this suffering? But, what I know is that God is faithful, honest, unwavering, all-powerful. The Bible says that He's loving, so we know it is true. He has shown us His love and mercy over and over again. While we struggle to see the purpose of this trial, we know that He is working and we can trust Him. He is just as loving today as He was the day He brought our sons into this world. As the days that he gave Chad another chance at life again. and again. The days he has given to us as a family. The good days, the bad days. Every day, He is loving beyond our comprehension and ability.

We don't know what the tomorrow brings or even the next moment. We're all fooling ourselves if we think we do. We can't count on health or money or anything except God's love for us. Who else would come to the earth to die for his children even knowing that we will continue, everyday, to be evil and ugly and sinful. He shows us His perfect love in that one act and in little acts that we see in our own lives everyday, whether we believe in Him or not. "He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45

Thank you, God for your unwavering love in spite of our feelings and failings. Thank you for all of the gifts you continue to give us even in pain. We praise you for your character, your love, your mercy. You are merciful. We are so flawed and struggle to love you like we should. You don't depend on us to act the right way. Your love knows no bounds. While our hearts are full of sorrow, we can trust that you are working, fighting for us. I pray that our days glorify You, God. I pray this in Jesus's name, amen.
