Day 10

Chad and I went in for another ultrasound and bloodwork yesterday. Everything in one ovary looks great and ready to go. The other ovary has some follicles that are growing more slowly. When I asked the doctor why, he said "I don't know. I guess this side thought the race was a relay." (He likes to talk about maturing follicles as a kind of race) I appreciate that he admits he doesn't know everything. So, we are giving the left ovary some time to catch up. The trigger shot will be tonight (it could have been last night), and we are hoping to have a couple more follicles join the race. The more eggs they can retrieve, the better for our chances of having some fertilize.

So, I will do my two morning meds this morning, during my planning time at school. The trigger shot will be tonight. This shot tells the ovaries to release the eggs so that they can be retrieved on Thursday. I think the egg retrieval is the one procedure that gives me some anxiety. I am reminding myself to I rely on God and not to worry. I have heard that the post-op recovery involves a lot of soreness. I am trying to keep my focus on the next step . . . Fertilization and then just a few days later, transfer!!

Many people have asked, just like I have been asking myself, what are we going to do when we find out about being pregnant. Honestly, I probably won't post anything for a while post-transfer so that Chad and I can keep it to ourselves for a little while. I know everyone has been praying and been very involved, but I want Chad and I to have some time to discuss and deal with the news in our own way. We will post when we are ready. I know I don't have to say it, but if everyone could keep their questions about the pregnancy to themselves until we are ready, we would appreciate that. I know, you will be about to burst! You will be watching our every breath, trying to decide if it means that we are pregnant. Well, you will just have to suffer!!

So, please pray for me for the next step--retrieval. Pray that my worries are alleviated and that God comforts me through the process. Pray that the doctors are knowledgeable, skilled, and doing the work God wants them to do. Thank you all so much for your support!


  1. Lauren, I know you are anxious about the procedure but I know you will do fine. God will continue to watch over you and will continue to guide the doctors. I am here for you if you need me. I can clean, cook, walk the doggies, be there to talk or listen and of course, bring you a Starbucks coffee!! You are always in my prayers, you are such a wonderful daughter-in-law and we are so lucky to have you in our family. I know you will have to go through a lot but you won't have to go through it alone, we are all here for you and Chad and I know Chad will be right by your side every step of the way. I love you both so much!


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