I love this season of thankfulness!

Sometimes the humdrum of life gets me down. Have you been there?

 I mean only that in the everyday, we can lose sight of where we are going or the progress that we have made. I'm speaking about all areas: home care, finances, business/ work, and spiritually (and honestly, the list goes on). I know it must not just be me. There are a few days, or let's face it, weeks, in a row that I feel like I am stuck in the mud, not going anywhere. The first thing that the negative voice in my head wants me to do is to beat myself up about it. (We all hear voices, right?!) God reminds me to give myself grace. He has forgiven me time and again and continues to be patient with me. His mercy is endless!

So, this morning I was reminded that joy comes from gratitude. We are entering the season of thankfulness. One thing I have been meaning to include in the rhythm of my day is a gratitude journal. So many things grab my attention and I get excited about doing whatever it is that catches my eye (thanks, Pinterest!), but I think this is really worth the effort. You know when you keep hearing the same message over and over and start to think, "This is a theme in my life right now!" that is when I believe that is God trying to give me some direction. 

What is a gratitude journal, Lauren? Well, thanks for asking, friend. My very basic understanding of it is simply a journal that, at the end of the day (or anytime I feel led to), you write a few things that you are thankful for. Sounds simple, right? I think the key is that I write these things down when I don't feel thankful at all. Like when I am feeling cranky, entitled, or self-pity. These thoughts invade my brain more often than I would like to admit. 

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

We are responsible for our thoughts. This idea has been a breakthrough to me. Most of my life, I have been allowing whatever thoughts to come in and I have been just riding the wind, flapping this way and that in my own mind and with my emotions. I can control--and I am supposed to control--every thought that comes in to my mind! It's also incredibly challenging and overwhelming. So, I think a good start is a gratitude journal. 

Today I am thankful for a quiet morning. Linky just woke up and is now in and out of the room while he is watching Little Einsteins (another of the things I am most thankful for!). We don't have anywhere we have to be this morning. 

Let me tell you how the devil works in my mind. It's all good until a voice tells me that I should be out doing something, I should be making progress in my business, or I should be cleaning, instead of enjoying a still morning with my little one, a morning I know I will wish back on the hectic days. Those are the thoughts that I am taking captive. The enemy wants me to run around like a crazy person, missing all of the blessings of today. So, instead, we are going to paint these pumpkins. He better like ghosts and bats because all I have is white paint and black sharpie.
