Be patient in tribulation

Forgive me for any typos. I am trying to put this post together on my son's kindle while he is watching the strangest youtube videos on my lap from my phone. Kids' stuff on youtube can get weird. Whew! You have to know I love bringing this blog to y'all!

The past few days have been hard. I have been emotional and I have let the circumstances before my eyes determine my mindset. This has been a mistake. As I was wallowing in self-pity, a still, small voice reminded me that I don't have to believe the lies I was hearing in my own mind.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer" Romans 12:12

As I was listening to the radio, PER 90.5 (great station!), God reminded me that He gives us strength enough for today. He doesn't expect us to handle today and tomorrow at the same time. And He wants for us to be patiently waiting on Him and trusting Him. I am often trying to handle today and the future in my mind. This struggle wears me out and this is when negative thoughts strike. A voice telling me that God isn't strong enough to handle Chad's healing or doesn't know all of our needs.

He calls us to be patient and rest in Him. All of our needs are supplied by God. Most importantly, our strength is found in reading in The Bible and praying constanty--having a conversation with God. I realized I had been away from the Word for a few days while in the hospital with Chad. This absence explains why my Spirit was so weak. The enemy loves this and attacks in these moments.

Yesterday marked six years from when we got the call for Chad's second transplant. My heart ached for us to get the call on this anniversary. I was constantly reminded that God's timing is perfect. My plan is nothing compare to His.

We have many blessings to be thankful for in the meantime. We are receiving so much support from family and friends. I want to say thank you and it never feels like enough to truly express our gratitude. We are thankful for this cozy season of family and friends gathering--forgive me, but I'm so excited I'm going to put up my tree! And for this new life, what joy he is bringing us already.

Are you letting the negativity in your mind determine your outlook? It's easy to do and creeps in slowly. I encourage you to spend a little time being refreshed by God's word. I find that is the best defense.
