I did it . . .

I've been toying with the idea of putting up the Christmas tree super early this year. This is coming from someone who sometimes waits until the week before Christmas and then leaves the tree up until a couple of weeks into January--okay, sometimes late January . . . I'm still being conservative with this timeline. Well, Linc and I did it! We put up the tree before Thanksgiving. It feels weird, but I'm glad it's up. We'll be in Durham next weekend and I love that the tree will be up already when we get home. 

Please, no judgement on the paci. It has been something that we're working on, but I haven't been very diligent. He's also been sick, so what kind of monster would I be to take away this small comfort at such a time?!

As you can imagine, putting the tree up was a little emotional. It wasn't unusual to put it up by myself, but as I was unwrapping the ornaments, I was reminded of some milestones in our lives. I found the ball ornament from the church where we got married (which I subsequently broke while trying to finish decorating the tree. Mom, we'll have to find another one), decorations from Lincoln's first Christmas, and my favorite: two marshmallow people standing on chocolate and graham cracker (not real food--that would be an ant-infested nightmare), dressed like a bride and groom from our first Christmas as a married couple. I love s'mores and I love our nuptials! Perfect combo. I got a little teary. On a happy note, we get to go to Durham and decorate another tree and make a new memory! 

I wouldn't let my heart dwell on the diversion from tradition this year. We are used to having brunch and presents here at the house Christmas morning, sitting around this beautiful white tree talking, laughing, being surrounded by loved ones. Thankfully, I was reminded this morning that things might look different this year, but this is temporary. 

I don't know about you, but I can get caught up in the circumstances facing me here and now. What is happening right now can make my emotions rise and fall like the waves in the ocean until I remember that this moment is not everything. 

"Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5

Don't get me wrong, we are not often over here weeping. But, no matter if it's weeping or laughing, I cannot put everything into what I am experiencing or feeling right now. It's so refreshing to know that no matter what is going on, another day is coming and there is more joy in the future. So, while I just posted about not worrying about tomorrow when we are living in today, there is still something to be said about looking to the future and knowing that whatever storm you are experiencing will pass. 

Meanwhile, we are enjoying the beautiful tree and the coziness of the season. I think it's fun to celebrate Christmas longer and, for me, it doesn't take away from Thanksgiving, but adds even more joy. Where do you weigh in on this debate? I know it's controversial.
