Up and at 'em!

Morning, y'all! I'm up and at 'em today like I try to be every morning and it feels good. This is a good time, before Lincoln gets up, to wrap my head around the day and sometimes start to think and plan for the week ahead. It's also a time where I drink my coffee and dream up all the things I think I can do in a day (way overestimating) and sometimes spiral out of control buzzing around until the coffee crash comes. But, that's a topic for a different day. I want to take just a few minutes to share my heart and the happenings of the past few days.

This morning the news is coming! This was a completely unexpected gift that seemed to drop out of nowhere at just the right time. If you know my dad, you know he is very gregarious. I admire his ability to listen and show interest in every situation. He also exudes this loving and calm energy; honestly, he attracts people to himself whether he wants to or not. This time, I know it was a God thing. We were tootling about at the UNOS soiree when Poppa gets the tug to go talk to one of the news reporters from Channel 6. He shares Chad's story with her and it must have resonated because we get a call a couple of weeks ago saying that she wants to do one of the "CBS 6 Gives" spots on our family! No, I have no idea what to expect or when it will be on the air or any of the details. I just know I need to get the dust bunnies and monster trucks off of the floor of the living room before 9:30. I don't even know if they are coming in, but I know I don't have time to worry about the leaves out front.

Let me be honest--if I can't be honest here, where can I be?--I don't really want to be on TV. It makes me nervous and I am not an "all eyes on me" type of person. I also struggle with pride and taking gifts, as we have discussed before. But, I know that this is a good gift and we are grateful for it. God puts us in sometimes uncomfortable situations to stretch some parts of ourselves. One of my newest goals is to get uncomfortable often.

I know I have themes that play over and over in my head. We've talked about this. One that keeps popping up for the last few weeks is that God gives us enough strength for today, not for today and tomorrow and the week ahead. We can, and should, plan and do what we can for the future, but we are not supposed to live out the plans or obstacles for the future in our heads while still living in this day. I do this often. I'll be thinking of all that needs to be done today and still stress about tomorrow and the next day and so on. Then, I feel overwhelmed and tired. I have to tell myself, "You're spiraling. Stop. Focus on what is priority and start moving in that direction." God does not intend for us to stress and when we are stressing, we are trying to control everything. I need the reminder often to let go of the reins and listen for God's direction.

Many times we're thinking of things that will never happen and don't need to be stressed over. Also, we don't know the obstacles that are to come, so save your energy! For example, yesterday I had the day all planned, teaching from 8-11 and then packing/ cleaning. Well, the schedule had changed and I didn't realize it. I showed up at the wrong school, my phone died, and I went into panic mode. Thankfully, God is merciful and I didn't have to be at the right school until 2 hours later.

Talk about unknown obstacles: Chad calls me Wednesday night at 11pm and says there is something going on in the apartment! He said that a water line burst a couple of floors up and the whole place was flooding!! I couldn't believe my ears. In fact, I had to assure myself that it wasn't a dream! He had just come home that day and was hoping to rest through the night. Obviously that didn't happen, but God sustained them and they have now moved next door to a newly renovated apartment. So, small blessings are found even in that.

Overall, Chad is doing great! He's out of the hospital and today is his first day of post-transplant rehab. He will have to complete 23 sessions of rehab before he will be released to come back to Richmond. We can't wait for that day! But, we know that God has many blessings planned for us in Durham in the meantime. We can use prayers for this air bubble that is in his tummy to move out. These air pockets happen often after surgery and can be very uncomfortable. I remember having one after my C-section that was in my shoulder and quite intense!

Here we go, into the day! I'll be guarding my thoughts so that I don't spiral out of control. I know many of my friends are very excited about the coming week--as am I!! Chad's birthday is tomorrow and then Christmas!! I have visions of baking and shopping and wrapping, but I hold loosely to all of these plans. So, we'll be focusing on enjoying the time with family and not letting the devil steal our joy with stress. Love y'all! Thanks for reading.

This was an unexpected plan. It just happened organically after reading Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer. Honestly, I'm super proud of that moment and glad that I had the time to go with the flow on this one.


  1. Lauren - again, your words are both an inspiration and a comfort to me personally. I too, so easily spiral out of control with my thoughts and feelings of overwhelm - how wonderful for you to remind me to be still, "do" for today - as God provides for us day by day. I am delighted to read that Chad is doing well - and that although the apartment flooded - something near and better was provided. whew! what a relief. Thank you for writing


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