I'm obsessed!

What is constantly on your mind? Are you like me, constantly bombarded with who I want to be, what needs to be done, what's not being done, and what's wrong with what has been done? I know, it's too much. These thoughts work to wear us down and steal our joy.

I have a confession. My heart is often heavy with worry. Maybe it's this season of life. Maybe it's my post-partum/ nursing hormones. It doesn't matter what it is. I'm still responsible for filtering these thoughts through the lens of God's loving grace and mercy.

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:27

Thank you, God, for your new mercies every morning. I am far from where I want to be in nearly every aspect of my life, but that is ok. This is living! My obsession has been to worry about what's not working in my life or what could go wrong, but I am changing these thoughts.

God has put some very powerful, strong women in my path who have taught me, "What you think about, you bring about." How is that true? How can my thoughts control what's happening externally? Let me tell you, our brains are very powerful. One very tangible example every nursing mom can relate to ("Oh here she goes again about nursing!! Sheesh!!"--that's you.). Well, this struck me the other day: when a new mom thinks about her baby or hears the baby cry, her milk begins to leak. Amazing! Just a thought causes a reaction in her body. It comes from what she's putting in her mind! Since this is happening in a very obvious way in this circumstance, think about all of these little thoughts we put in our mind hourly and what these things are doing to our bodies or how they are affecting our outward lives.

How can I change it? This is where I am stuck. I know my thoughts need to change. And, let me paint the right picture, I am not down in the dumps or anything. I just know I can be happier and healthier in my mind and by extension my body, if I can control the stories playing in my head. If you are like me, I think the best place to start is with what we are putting into our minds. Here I go again about Facebook. Yes, there is some material on Facebook that is good and uplifting, but some depressing things pop up out of no where and smack you in the face. The worst is when I'm scrolling through and then an article with some terrible picture pops up or some violent video starts playing.  And then of course we all battle comparisons. We see other people doing everything just so perfectly. We see a picture and imagine their lives are so much more perfect than ours. Let me tell you, it's not true. They are fighting just like you. We all are. Let's reach out and love one another more. So, I'm working on spending less time on Facebook.

So, we're filtering a lot of that out. Then, step two is to put good in! Don't read the trashy stuff. Pick up good books that encourage positive thinking. Put on good, uplifting music (my preference is Christian music, so I listen to K-LOVE or PER). And for me--this could be you too--put on podcasts that provide training in business, mindset, etc. Maybe you want to hear uplifting podcasts? Let me recommend John O' Leary, author of On Fire!. First of all, his book is amazing, read it. (Teaser: he accidentally set himself on fire when he was like 9 years old. He should have been dead, but isn't. Amazing read, but don't take my word for it! 😉) Secondly, he has an amazing attitude about life and it is infectious.

Finally, be careful about who you give your time to. I do think we need to love people where they are, regardless of what they can do for us. But, I think that we should protect our hearts and minds too. If someone is breaking you down, give them a break. Give most of your time to people who build you up and encourage you. They say--Who are "they" anyway? Successful people.--that you are only as good (successful, positive, etc.) as the five people with which you spend most of your time. Whoa, take that in for a minute. Two of my five are pooping their pants, so that explains a lot. (I wouldn't change it for the world, BTW.)

So, get your mind around who you want to be and get to work! I want to spend my life loving people in whatever capacity God chooses for me. Right now, in this moment, it's connecting to you through this blog. I just want to wrap my arms around the world!! 😊😊 I am discarding the worry, the negativity, the comparisons, and becoming obsessed with showing love to others. (I think this second cup of coffee has sent me into a euphoric state.) Love y'all!
