Join me for a coffee break! I have opted for decaf because too much coffee makes me think I'm superwoman and the realization that I'm not is a hard fall. We struggle, don't we? Thinking we can do 3 and 4 things at once? As I type this, I'm looking around my crowded kitchen table, seeing all of the little tasks piled up. I put them right in front of my face so that I don't forget. And they nag me constantly. But, instead of tackling them, I'm going to spend some time with you.
What makes this even more sweet is the dark chocolate chunk cookie I have decided to enjoy with my coffee. I have discovered a loophole in the world of tempting treats! If you get rid of most of the bad stuff, you can still be left with a tasty product and you don't have all of the nasty side effects. I have baked some gluten-free, dairy-free, refined-sugar free chocolate chunk cookies and they seriously check all of the boxes for me. Stop rolling your eyes at me! Recipe here!
So, what are you up to? What are you doing with your day-to-day? This may surprise you, but it wasn't until I started my health and wellness business that I realized there was a whole world available to me. Maybe you can identify with this. I knew, since I was small, that I was supposed to go to school, go to more school, get a job, and do the 9-5 thing until I was ready to retire. That's what I saw everyone doing, so I mindlessly followed along. It wasn't until I wanted to stay home with my first son that I realized there were other options.
I woke up to realize that I had a narrow view of life, and that--in doing what I thought I was supposed to do--I was not living boldly or courageously. I was not glorifying God in going to work, trudging through the week, and finally enjoying life on the weekends. When I was teaching, it was very early in my spiritual walk and didn't think much about these things. Don't get me wrong, many aspects of teaching were very rewarding for me, but it was my mindset that was all wrong.
Maybe you are living and working toward your God-given dream. I pray that is true for more readers than not. But, I feel like our culture wants to keep us as numb and distracted as possible. Many of us want to go to work, do what we have to do to get home into our comfy PJs and tune out. Truthfully, I have to fight this urge often. And social media is like a drug, addicting and distracting. I have the same habit of picking up the phone whenever I have an empty minute, filling my mind with senseless chatter.
As I am fighting these same habits with you, I am realizing that God is calling us as Christians to live more boldly and more courageously than the world wants us to.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
How powerful is that? God is WITH you, Christian sister or brother. And if you are not a Christian, this is available to you also. God is calling you into a personal relationship with Him because He loves you.
Of course that specific call is different for everyone. For me, I am being called to connect with others on a deeper level. This is a more courageous call for me than it might be for you. I have always been an introvert and for many years I have told myself that I was shy. Through my growth, I have realized I'm not necessarily shy, but I like to spend time watching, observing, and digesting before sharing and connecting. Being around other people is fun for me, but I love time alone and that's what refreshes me. Maybe you're like me? Or maybe you are a social butterfly being called to be bold in a different way.
The goal of this blog is to be as transparent as possible so that you know you're not alone. I know we build a relationship when we can identify with each other on a level that goes deeper than the mask we want everyone to see. And I love this blog, but it's not answering the call to be bold and courageous. Don't worry, though, I'm not going anywhere. But, in the spirit of accountability and boldly stepping out on the ledge, I'm going to share where I want to go from here. Step one of my dream: I plan to submit and publish articles to be read by other women, mamas, whoever God puts in the path to read them. Stay tuned for progress and for the following steps.
Thank you, God for calling us to be bold and courageous. For being ready, as our good Father to give us blessings when we follow you in obedience. I pray that you bless today's readers. Speak to them and direct their paths so that they may be walking where you would have them go. I pray this in Jesus's name, amen.
Love y'all!!
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